
Monday, February 15, 2010

Another Rose for Me

This Valentine's day I received a gift from my hubby (I bought for him.  LOL), a Double Delight Hybrid Tea Rose!

Growing roses in Florida garden is somehow challenging due to our hot and humid weather in the summer.  All of my three rose bushes suffer black spots from time to time.  Although I tried to use the rose spray to control them, they always manage to come back.  Fortunately they seem have not affected the roses' blooming yet. 

I learned that there are two kinds of rootstocks are excellent for Florida's climate: Fortuniana and Dr. Hughey.    So, when I saw Home Depot has Fortuniana rootstock roses for sale, I grabbed one right away.

I love this rose especially for its bicolor, creamy-white and red to crimson.  Is it gorgeous?!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank-you for sharing your photos and success in your garden. I have added a link to your blog, if you don't mind, to

  3. Awesome! I didn't know Home Depot had Fortuniana roses! I think a trip is order...the closest one is 30 miles away though. Congratulations on that find!

  4. A most interesting rose. Smart hubby to let you shop for what you want! Hope you enjoy that rose for a long time. Can't wait to see more pictures of it.

  5. I used to have Double Delight many years ago, and it was one of my favorites and it lived for a very long time. Enjoy it!

  6. Rhonda: Thanks for the link! I just left a comment in your site.

    FloridaGirl: I was surprised to see Fortuniana at HD too. I am thinking I probably should go back to get more before they are sold out. Not sure if your local HD also carry this, so probably you should call them before you drive 30 miles there.

    NanaK: Yes, Hubby likes that way, so that he can always send me the perfect gift! lol This moring before the work, I saw the flower changed the color. Very interesting. I might post more pictures with changed color, assuming I can get time to take a picture before the color changed again.

    Susan: Good to know that it lived a long time for you. I am looking forward to enjoying this one for a long time as well.

  7. Oh, I absolutely love Double Delight. I planted it in my father's rose garden in Los Angeles and it just thrived. How wonderful you were able to find one with the right type of rootstock!

  8. Double Delight is a beauty. I had one for many years. Unfortunately our hot and humid climate takes a toll on their lifespan. I grow some roses like Iceberg, they are tough as old boots and do very well here. Every winter I make a few cuttings. they are a delightful rose with a fine scent. Enjoy your wonderful rose and I hope it will bring you pleasure for many years.

  9. ..Its amazing to get a good hybrid where its resistant to parasites and what nots. Wished I got such detailed info in my place as roses do suffer a lot maladies in the tropical region.

  10. What a beautiful and unique rose from a special person. I love the tricolour. I looks sweet and I can imagine there's a nice fragrance.

  11. I have terrible luck with roses too, but they my wife’s favorite flower. Iin order to keep the harmony in the garden, I keep a couple of plants, but it is a struggle keeping them healthy

  12. I bought my first rose bush a month ago... also a double delight! What are the odds? Anyways, make sure to tell me how it does!

  13. Noelle: Glad to know this same rose thrived in LA garden as well. However I think LA has more mind summer compared to Florida, we will see..

    Titania: After seeing your comments, I went on searching how iceberg rose looks like, I love Iceberg white so much. This will be on my watch list... Thanks.

    James: I think the climate in your place might be similar to mine. You may want to do some reseach to see if there are any good rootstock suitble for your area. Good luck!

    Autumn Belle: Yes, the bicolor (almost tricolor) is what I like most about this rose. I have see the color has been changed along the bud unfolding. I will post some more pictures later. Yes, it also has fragrance! Real deserves the name: Double Delight!

    Rusty: I can see keeping harmony in the garden is somehow related to keep harmony in the family in your case, lol! That is very sweet of you to keep those plants for your wife. We almost have exact climate, I know what do you mean about struggling. Hope this new rootstock does the wonder...

    RFG: Yes, Glad to know you have the exact same one! Does yours also have Fortuniana rootstock? I am sure I will have more postings for this beautiful flower later. Maybe you also can post some information about it, so we can exchange the notes? :) Enjoy!

  14. Hi Ami, certainly this is different than Amy, and i got another Andrea and an Andria. Great! You have lots of plants in that last one, we have same plants because you are almost tropical in some parts of the year. But even if you're humid too, yours is a lot cooler and easier to garden. How i wish i can have those fuchsias and bleeding hearts also here, i havent found any yet. Thanks for coming in here.

  15. I've not been successful with roses since I've moved to FL...I'll keep my eyes open for the Fortunia...others swear by the knock out rose. Your's is beautiful!!

  16. That is a beautiful rose. I do have 'knock out' roses, which are so easy to care for. I like the title of your blog... ~Amy
