
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pink in my garden

I have never been a big fan of pink when it comes to choose for my clothes.  However, when comes to flowers, pink definitely is one of my favorite colors!

Come along with me on this saturday morning to see what pink blooming we can find today in my garden.

I have three rose bushes, and they are all in different shade of pink.  These are two of them blooming.

Pink Vinca.  This is a self-sowing.  I did not take it out figuring my garden can use some more color in this winter.

Pentas.  They are planted in front of the African Iris (Fortnight Lily), which green waving foliages give this plant a nice background.

Even the blooming is not as prolific as it was in the summer, the Desert Rose has been continousely blooming since I brought it home last summer.

This Dipladenia pink is another non-stopping bloomer in my garden, even after that two weeks near freeze
weather. It was sheltered under a coconut tree and next to the fence during the freeze.

Kalanchoe.  Oops, I did not plant this one.  My husband found this hidden among the pool pump equipments two days ago.  Don't know how it got there.  Of course, as a "good" gardener, I dug them out and potted them up :)

Bromeliad (Update: Tillandsia Cyanea).  Hmm... does this count?  There is a blue flower shooting out of the pink bracts.

Zinnia:  Another self-sowing plant.

Of course, I can not forget this Brazilian Red Hots (Alternanthera) in recovery from the freeze damage.

This snapdragon (Antirrhinum) is new to my garden.

Stock (Matthiola), another new plant I introduced to my garden after the freeze.  Love their brilliant colors!

Thank you for coming along with me!  Hope you enjoyed all these pink bloomings as much as I did.  Have a  beautiful weekend!


  1. I love your pink flowers...all very familiar plants to me. And yes, the bracts on that bromeliad do count! Pink is my favorite color in the garden as well...especially bright pink...though it never really has been my favorite in other things.

  2. Pink is my favorite color in everything, especially flowers. I enjoyed seeing your blooms. Lucky you to find surprise vincas and kalanchoes growing. All I ever find is weeds.

  3. A girl has to love pink something and flowers are a good outlet for our love of pink. You have some really nice varieties. Those roses are stunning.

  4. Floridagirl: I think we share the same interests in terms of pink. Bright pink is my favorite too.

    Nanak: Yes, finding surprise plants is always exciting for me. I also found most of annuals have the ability of self-sowing. Vinca, Zinnia, buttercup (Turnera ulmifolia), and even the Braizilian Red Hots!

    Meems: Just came back from your site to see you new project. Amazing project! You posting always makes me feeling mine is like a kid playing the toyhouse :) Those roses are adding lots of colors into my garden this time of the year. I am thinking to buy more as soon as I can find some good varities here.

  5. Lovely pinks! I have many of the same. I'm a big fan of the simple vinca!

  6. I have been enjoying looking at all your garden plants and I feel really at home.
    Your pink collection look so lushful and healthy! Wonder if I can grow snapdragon in my place.

    Thank you for visiting my blog & comment, I wish too that we are neighbours as we can exchange plants & cuttings (lol)

  7. Pink flowers are very alluring. You have a wonderful collection of them.
    Love the pink roses. Vincas are good fillers with their beautiful flowers in many colours, tough and reliable.
    The exotic desert roses look like delicate confections, wonderful. I had a big one but it was once neglected when it was rainy and got wet feet and the end was rot. Now I have a tiny one again and it stands under the eaves. Yours is gorgeous.
    Love Kalanchoe always plant borders with them. There is also a pretty pink and yellow. I adore Tillandsias and grow tiny Zinnias, selfseeded, so easy!
    You must have a lovely garden all the plants look so content, fresh
    and healthy. It is a pleasure to see your pink flowers. One has to find out which do well in the area.
    I was always tempted to grow native plants from Western Australia, until I had to give in as the soil, the humidity, the climate did not suit them. For a few years I was successful with Proteas from South Africa. When our normal rainfall returned they all died it was to wet for them. The native Proteas from this area, like certain Banksias do very well.

  8. Hello Ami,

    I like your blog very much AND I love pink color in the garden. But, pink roses are my absolute favorite :^)
