
Friday, March 12, 2010

Blooming Friday -- Rain Washed Garden

It was pouring this friday afternoon... 

I happened work at home today.  Between the meetings, I decided to take a break.  The rain just stopped, and I could not help myself to walk into the garden with a camera in my hand.  I was so immersed in the fresh air after the rain, and a rain washed garden..., something about that just touchs the soft spot in my heart.

Allow me to show you some flowers/foliages in my rain-washed garden in this early spring. 

I will also use this as my first (belated) Blooming Friday entry.

Newly purchased yellow and pink double layer Kalanchoe.
These two rose buds are waiting to open.

Bromeliads after the rain are even more beautiful.

The only desert rose blooming today in my garden

Dragon Wing Begonia's is heavily blooming in this season.

Livingstone Daisy "Mezoo Trailing Red" and Jasmine

New resident in my garden: Inca Lily (Alstroemeria)

Two different colors of Ground Orchids (Spathoglottis)

Jatropha tree

Sedum hybrid Florida Friendly Gold

This one is a gift from my friend.  The tag does not say the name, only know it is some type of succulent.  Anybody recoginizes it?

Hope you enjoyed it!  Have a nice weekend you all!

Update: Just found out from one garden center today that the succulent from the last picture is: Portulacaria afra.  It is also called "Elephant Bush", "Elepant Plant", or "Small leaf jade".


  1. Great photos ... you have some lovely plants in bloom. Just love that golden yellow kalanchoe ... it's such a gorgeous colour. That last plant is some sort of crassula ... but I'm no expert on these. It looks similar to my jade plant, so that's why I'm thinking crassula.

  2. Beautiful collection of blooms! Welcome to Blooming Friday! Hope you have a lovely weekend! ;>)

  3. aloha,

    what a wonderful blooming friday collection of blooms, it looks like everything is coming up in your garden today, thanks for sharing

  4. Bernie: I just bought that golden yellow kalanchoe today. Just can not leave the store without it :) Now you mentioned it, that succulent does look like a jade plant (crassula). Thanks!

    Carol: Thanks for the welcome! Joining Blooming Friday was a spontaneous decision when posting all those blooms.

    Noel: Thanks for the nice words. Yes, my garden is coming back! and the spring is here! It is exciting for a new gardener like me. Lots of nursery trips...:)

  5. Hi Ami, and welcome to Blooming Friday! You've got so many lovely plants in your garden and the rain makes everything lok so fresh! I particularly like your Inca lilies - I tried to sow some from seeds last spring, but I didn't succeed. I'll have to try again.

  6. Very beautiful and fresh the rain splashed flowers. As you say the Bromeliads are even more attractive with their little puddles glittering like diamonds. I like the double yellow Kalanchoe. I have a yellow but it is not double. I make always cuttings as they take so easily and are such attractive plants.

  7. Beautiful photos Ami! and there is nothing quite like the fragrance of the air and the beauty of everything around, following a rain. Have a wonderful weekend. Diana

  8. Beautiful blooms in your garden. It must really be hard to stay out of there and work at home. I'm glad you took a break to enjoy and share.

  9. Katarina:

    Thanks for the welcome! I did not know Inca lily has seeds, thought it is something started from a bulb. Well, did I tell you I am a new gardener? :) I just purchased this one last week, not sure how it will act in my garden in long run.

    Titania: Yes, aren't those broms beautiful? Once I saw that double yellow Kalanchoe in the store, I just had to have it. However, the single one is also very lovely. Thanks for the tip about the cutting! I am sure I will take some cuttings as well when it grows bigger,so that I can much more in my garden!

    Di: Thanks! It was fun to step into the garden after the rain and try my photographing skill (or should I say no-skill?) :)

    NanaK: You got me! Yes, it is very hard not to step out when I work at home. Good thing is I don't work at home very often. My home office has a french door to the back yard. From my office desk, I can see the garden and the lake. Well, at least I know I am allowed to take a small break without feeling guilty :)

  10. Ami,
    I like the photos of the rain covered blooms. We got the deluge of rain here also. A reminder that the start of rainy season for us is not far away.

  11. Love your photos! We had way too much rain this past week.I'm hoping my ground orchids made it thru the freezes all right.Only one is showing any signs of recovering.

  12. Beautiful collection of blooms! Welcome to Blooming Friday! Hope you have a lovely weekend! ;>
    work at home in india
