
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Hot, the Loud and the Proud --- My First Cattleya Bloom!

When I told Noel at A Plantfantic in Hawaii that I MIGHT be able to come up something for his month-end meme "The Hot, the Loud and the Proud".  I was really not certain because I didn't know what I could present to fit this theme.

This is my very first cattleya ever.  When I bought this cattleya (Tag description: Sophrolaeliocattleya Jewel Box 'Scheherazade' AM/AOS) two months ago, it already had two flower buds.  I have been anxiously waiting for its blooming since then. When it finally started unfurling last week, I told myself, this is just a perfect bloom for Noel's theme!

I know, I know, all you Orchid Collectors out there right now might be laughing at my excitment toward this midium sized, single colored cattleya bloom, and I am sure you have seen too many far more maginicent flowers than this one. Hold on your laugh please! Did I say this is my VERY FIRST cattleya? So allow me to be proud of "my first" for a while here... :)

I had no idea what color of the bloom will be when I purchased it (you think I should know it by that long name on the tag?  Hmmm...), so speculating the color is part of my waiting anxiety.  I admit I was secretely hoping it will be one of those pink-purple-white bi-color blooms that Susan showed in her "Orchid Obsession" post.  But when this intense red, velvet textured bloom showed up in groups (four flowers emerged from each bud), I am not disappointed at all! 

So, here is "The Hot, the Loud and the Proud", my very first cattleya bloom after two-month of long waiting!


  1. That is just beautiful. I don't have much luck with orchids. The ones I have grow pretty easy, outside.

    Enjoy these wonderful blooms.


  2. It is a gorgeous colour ... great buy! ... and great choice for the meme.

  3. You should be excited!! It's beautiful. Thanks for visiting my gardens here in Tallahassee...drop by anytime.

  4. Ami, that is a wonderful orchid! I have about 25 orchids, and I'm pretty sure there isn't a red in the bunch! Very unusual. Mine are all white, yellow, purple, green, and variations thereof. Sounds like I need to go orchid shopping!

  5. Thankfully the orchid bug hasn't bit me - yet.

    Great Blog! and amazing photos!

  6. Ami - reds are quite unusual for orchids - the only other red one I know is a red scented cambria - forgotten the name just now.

    Great subject for Noel's meme - I too was not sure earlier in the month if I could enter the meme - but from now on I'm gonna enter my houseplants as they are all exotic and tropical for us Scottish gardeners.

    Your cattleya is beautiful and I would love to be the owner of that one. I don't have any cattleya's as they are quite expensive here.

  7. Hi Ami as you can see I was already at your place posting a comment while you were at mine. Thankyou for the follow - I am here to return the compliment. Good to meet you. Rosie :)

  8. Flowerlady: I am not good at orchids as well. I put my first several orchids indoors, which they don't like. Indoor is too dry for them, and if I water them, they rot easily. I just started trying to put them outdoors, and I think they are doing fine now. Still learning...

    Birnie: Thanks. This is my first cattleya, so hold a special place here :)

    Darla: Thanks for stopping by. I am sure I will visit your garden more often now.

    FG: Now you are making me feel even more exciting since this comes from a "orchid collector". LOL. I got this one from a local orchid nursery. Believe it or not, I got it for just only $5.00. I think it is a good deal for an orchid. I need to go there again if my pocket allows :)

    Eric: From that "yet" part, I have the feeling that bug is approaching you! Watch out, it could be easily become an addition. I now have about 9 orchids now. Try to behave though... :)

    Rosie: LOL. Obviousely our posts crossed. I can see you show with different IDs in the two comments you left.

    Cattleya is also expensive here, I got a good deal for this one though ($5.00). Glad to know this color is quite unique one, I guess I got the newbie's luck.

    I am looking forward to seeing more of your posts next month.

  9. hi ami, just woke up so i'm surprised to see this many participants...whopeeeee and i love your orchid, wow, it just made it debut in exciting is that???

    thank you so much for participating, this was so much fun to do and i can't wait till next month!

  10. Noel: I saw you posted yours in 3:00 AM. Glad that you love it. Thanks for hosting this great MEME, and enjoying reading what others posted.

  11. It is very pretty! Congratulations!

  12. Well worth the wait...very pretty bloom. I love red blooms! It is kind of fun to have a surprise in finding out the color. Have a good day!

  13. Ami,
    Beautiful bloom on the cattleyea. I've been growing orchids for years and yet I'll never take them for granted and I'll never take another gardener's excitement--or such gorgeous photos!--for granted. It's fun to have a new meme to participate in, isn't it?

  14. What a beautiful entry! The cattleya is gorgeous and I love the vibrant color.

  15. Your orchid is beautiful. I've never seen a red orchid. It really calls attention to itself doesn't it? I only have a few orchids and none of them are happy right now. I neglected them when they were in the house this winter. Hopefully, mine will perk up now they are back outside. If not, I'll have to look for a beautiful bargain orchid like yours!

  16. As someone who has committed unintentional orchidcide, I'm pretty impressed.

  17. Ami, it is absolutely beautiful... and hot! ;)

  18. You definitely should be proud, Ami. The velvet quality of the blooms is so lovely, and since my favorite color is scarlet, if I were you I'd be thrilled. And it's not quite monotone. Did you notice the lovely gold striping on the bottom petal? I assume this is some sort of color-coded landing strip for would-be pollinators.

    Congratulations, from someone who has never been able to keep an orchid alive and blooming! An impressive feat. :)

  19. Ami...I recognized your bloom immediately as Jewel Box because I have one as well. You will be absolutely delighted with this orchid. It is one of my favorite. I've had this orchid for 20 years or more and it blooms every April right on time. I'm so happy your first cattleya is Jewel Box. She will reward you with flowers every year, so treat her really well. Good choice!

  20. Love your red hot orchid. YOurs have that velvet like petals - gorgeous!

    I have mine - the common violet ones.
    I had found that you can make the bloom last more longer by hand polinating it.

    I still have the same green/violet words. I had found that by clicking the words - I may able to read what you wrote.

  21. You should be very proud, this Cattleya is perfect. Velvety and glistening red, with a perfect wavy lip, very admirable and absolutely right for this meme.

  22. Hi Amy,

    Its the first time I am visiting your e-garden and let me compliment you for the lovely backdrop and the RED BLOOM that you are sharing with us for the MEME. Its pretty and its one of my first too... as I am seeing a RED CATTELYA Bloom for the first time ever. Thx for sharing. Cheers! Radhika @ EGT

  23. Beautiful flower and photos - so hot, loud and proud

  24. Sure enough, it is "hot, loud and proud" it is gorgeous.

  25. aloha ami,

    it is a spectacular orchid especially since its your first cattleya bloom, i actually like the monotone colors best.

  26. Congratulations, you are a winner with that one, very beautiful. I didn't laugh only smile a bit, hehe. Do you know that sometimes i help the petals open just to see what is inside, it's good you did not do what i did in my orchids sometimes. My impatience sometimes is very bad, as i once cut a portion of it while forcefully opening it.
