
Thursday, March 25, 2010

My March Favorites -- 2010

It is always hard for gardeners to pick their favorites... I am no exception!  When I was looking through my photo collection taken this month, I have to say I love each and every one of them!

If I have to choose... 
After a couple of months' rest, this golden shrimp plant (camaron amarillo) started blooming prolifically again.  I love those little white flowers peeking through the yellow bracts.

A big salute to this Jatropha tree for it stood the cold weather for me and producing these cheerful red flowers non-stopping the whole winter!

Oh, this golden yellow double layer Kalanchoe (长寿花) is really my favorite among the favorites!  Its lovely color and bloom reminds me of something that a bride may hold in her wedding, only if it is larger :)  I have purchased this for two weeks, and the blossoms are still looking like new. 

This combination of Diamond Frost and Orange Marmalade Crossandra in a container was toasted in January freeze, and they are recovering quite nicely.
Another one of my favorite among the favorites!  (Am I allowed to say this twice??)  This dipladenia pink (红蝉花/双腺藤/飘香藤) is a reliable non-stopping bloomer in my garden.  I love to see its color changes from deep pink (almost red) on buds to the light pink of fully opened flower.  The foliages are always shiny dark green.

 I took this Petunia pictre in a rainy day.  Aren't they pretty with those dark pink veins and dotted rain drops?
I love white bloomings although I don't have too many of them in my garden.  This voila looks so delicate, but they are surprisingly tough and productive.  The plant originally came in a little six inch pot.  After I planted it in the ground, it has spread to one foot acorss, and has been blooming like crazy.  I have been collecting the seeds from it, so that next fall I can have a lot more of these lovely white flowers in my garden. 

This Inca Lily (Alstroemeria) has been blooming its heart out! I should try to take some as cutting flowers to put in a vase so that I can enjoy its beauty even I am not in the garden. Not sure how it will react when Florida's weather heats up though... I may plant it into a shady place after it is done blooming.

Last but certainly not the least, two variety of lettuce that have been filling my tiny veggie garden since the fall.  Don't they look just like flowers?

LECHGA Royal Oakleaf (Heat Resistant)
LECHGA Four Seasons (Beautiful & Delicious)

This post is to join Susan at "Simply Susan" for this month's favorites.  Please visit her at her site for her March favorites.

I will also use this as my entry to the Blooming Friday. For other bloomings all over the world, please check out Katrarina's site at

Have a nice weekend!


  1. You have really enjoyed beautiful blooms this month. I love them all, but that kalanchoe is a standout. Your combo of the Diamond Frost and the Marmalade crossandra have me making plans for one of my containers:)

  2. You have such a nice variety of blooming plants in your garden. I'm pretty limited to a few things since my hibiscus, angel trumpet and pentas show no sign of returning yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for joining me in "My Favorites...this month."

  3. I must say that I love all of those, too! I love the diamond frost mixed in with the orange bloom. You have a great blog and such pretty photos. I need to add you to my blog roll!

  4. Ami,
    Your Shrimp plant is looking good. I am still hopeing mine recovers from the Jan. freeze damage. Seeing yours in bloom offers me some hope..

  5. I love those cheerful yellows in the Shrimp plant! Clearly, you weren't hit so bad by the cold way down there, as all of my jatrophas are fried...for the second year in a row!

  6. Beautiful photos! There's not much blooming in my garden at the moment, but right now my favorite would probably be whatever is showing its flowers right now.

  7. All of your flowers are beautiful, but I must say that I am looking forward to planting the white viola seeds you sent me this fall :-)

  8. These are amazing shots of beautiful flowers. I love all of them!

  9. You have a beautiful variety of blooms - very colourful. I grow oak leaf lettuce too - it is very reliable and probably my favourite kind of lettuce.

  10. I love your Kalanchoe Ami and all of your other blooms are so lovely. Ah! to have so many blooms in March! Your lettuce is yummy looking!

  11. The Kalanchoe is lovely.Your favourites seem to be mine too! You have the same flowers that I have!

  12. You have some great favorites. I don't know why I have red shrimps and white shrimps and no yellow shrimps. I have to wait to see if they survived the freezes, but I have cuttings to plant out.

    Those white violas are beautiful. For summer, I like white wax begonias. They show up as well as impatiens do without all that watering.

  13. Lettuce are not only tasty but such ornaments in a Garden. Petunias I seam to like more and more, beautiful all of your flowers :)

  14. The shot of the petunia is lovely with the droplets! You've certainly got plenty of beautiful flowers.
    Happy Blooming Friday!
