
Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Hot, The Loud and The Proud! -- Ornamental Pineapple, Copperleaf and Magnolia

Welcome to my "The Hot, The Loud and The Proud!" post, a meme hosted by Noel at "A Plant Fanatic In Hawaii"

With my recent out of ordinary busy working schedule, I thought I won't be able to make it.  Yesterday when I came home, it surprisingly still had daylight, which was not normal recently.  When I was wandering in my garden, I found after all I might have something to share.

Here is the HOT red ornamental pineapple!  It has been blooming for a couple of month now, recently the red color of the bloom as well as the leaves intensified even more, which made it looking really hot.  Don't you think?
Ornamental Pineapple
Here is the LOUD copperleaf (Acalypha Wlkesiana ).  It lost all the leaves in this past winter due to the strange long lasting cold weather in South Florida.  Now it is coming back better than ever with its magnificent tri-color, really making a loud statement, "I AM BACK"!

Acalypha Wlkesiana (Copperleaf or Beafsteak)
Here is the PROUD, the white magnolia!  Oops, this is actually not in my garden.  It belongs to my working place.  I have been watching these flower trees for a while since they set the first bud.  Since I recently spent so much time at work, does it make me deserve to use it for this post?!

Magnolia bud
Magnolia flower in half open

 Magnolia flower in half open (Top view)
Magnolia flower in full open
 Even this flower only lasts two to three days after starting unfurling, the scent is just heavenly!  When it fully opens,  it is about 7 to 8 inches across.  I found even its stamens are so fascinating with that unique shape and the color!

YAY, I made it!

For other "The Hot, The Loud and The Proud" around the world, please found the links at Noel's site at


  1. Wow Ami, this is the first time i see the Magnolia bud, it is awesome and unusual but lovely. The opened flowers i am familiar with already. Am glad you posted that.

  2. Love that ornamental pineapple ... what fabulous colours. You've chosen some lovely things for this meme post ... the magnolia is so beautiful and I really enjoyed seeing the magnolia bud for the first time.

  3. Never seen a magnolia having hairy fur in bud.
    What a pretty flower.

  4. Hello Ami, The ornamental pineapple is very beautiful, can you eat the fruit? The copperleaf is a pretty shrub to grow between all the greenery it is never boring with all its different varigation. The crown takes the Magnolia, from the hirsute bud to the opening bloom. Gorgeous!

  5. aloha ami,

    i'm a fan of magnolias and the scents are amazing...i also love your pineapple and the acalpha,both are beautiful

    thanks again for participating, great job!

  6. Well done. Ami. You have found the hot, loud and proud, indeed. That pineapple plant is gorgeous! Don't you just love those soft fuzzy buds that the magnolia put out. I can't resist the urge to pet them. It's a shame we can't post the scent that magnolias put out, isn't it?

  7. Hi Ami, I think that if you are having to spend so much time at work you have every right to claim that Magnolia for your post :D It's a beauty too! I really enjoyed your choices for this meme!

  8. Lovely plants. Your ornamental pineapple is very hot! You certainly deserve to enjoy and show off that magnolia blossom. Loved seeing it from bud to flower. Our church planted about 8 'little gem' magnolias that are all covered with buds. It is going to smell so wonderful in our parking lot very soon. I could almost smell your magnolia scent through the computer screen. Too bad that can't really happen - yet!

  9. Those are perfect choices for Hot, Loud, and Proud, Ami! And beautiful photographs! I was thinking of using my magnolias as the "proud" also this month (before I read your post last night). Great minds think alike!

  10. Hello Ami - sorry I don't get over here as often as I should but I can relate ever so much to the work thing. I'm only in the house for 1.30 hrs and thenI have to go back again to work all evening.

    That pineapple stem is incredible and worth getting a photo of. Your acalpha is a lovely foliage plant - is that the type of plant that has furry catkins that hang down in reddish pink?

    And finally you left the best till last - I found that picture of the magnolia stamen superb.

    Have a lovely weekend :) Rosie

  11. great photos of the magnolia! They are definitely stately and proud icons of the south.

  12. Andrea, Bernie, James:

    Thanks! I did not expect this mognolia bud is kind of special, maybe what you have seen before is a different kind? This one I believe is Magnolia "little gem".

    Titania: I am not sure if I can eat this pineapple. It is a passalong from my friend, and it blooms for me for the first time, so I won't know. My guess is the taste won't be good since it is quite small compare to the normal pineapple. But if it also tasts good, then will be a surprise bonus! :)

  13. Noel: Thanks for hosting this fun meme! I was glad that I actually was able to make it!

    Deborah: lol. YES, I indeed pet it before I took the picture of that fuzzy bud! Maybe someday, we will have those kind of technology to pass the scent via the computer network! That would be wonderful!

    Gippslandgardener: Thanks! Actually for them right in front of my working building, I got enjoy them more than if they are in my garden :)

  14. NanaK: I bet the parking lot of your church will really smell so nice when all those little gems open the buds. You are the second one mentioned that we wish we can pass the scent through the screen. Maybe someday that could happen!!! That would be much more fun, huh?

    FG: Thanks! Oh, sorry I stole your show, you are much more deserving to show the magnolia right from your own garden than me. But again, I am glad that I posted last night, otherwise, I won't know what to show anymore :) Actually, if we both show the same thing, that would make a even bigger statement that we floridian are very proud of this Magnolia "little gem"! Don't you think?

  15. Rosie: No need to apologize. I completely understand not to be able to visit more blogs that I would like due to the work. Right now I am having a short lunch break, and trying to response to all the kind comments left here.

    This acalpha does have some small furry bloomings, but not very showy. I think the one you are thinking might be Acalypha hispida (Chenille-plant or Red-hot-cattail). That is another favorite of mine, still seeking one for my garden though.

    RFG: Yes, Magnolia is one of my all time favorites! Actually I am thinking I might have space in my garden for it, so that I can really have one for myself :)

  16. The fuzzy magnolia bud before it opens is really interesting to look at;-) Of course, the bloom itself is magnificent. Your ornamental pineapple is really 'hot'! And the leaves of the Acalypha are outstanding, too;-)

  17. Love the color on the ornamental pineapple and the copperleaf. I've got to get a copperleaf...such great color. Your captured the essence of the magnolia bloom...beautiful!

  18. Wow! Lovely photographs... Loved your choice for the meme. the ornamental pineapple is stunning.

  19. Very nice, Ami. I'm really enjoying all the magnolias starting to bloom in our area. I have one tree and my next door neighbor has an even larger one I get to smell. That fragrance is so divine.

    I like your other choices for hot and loud, too. Very pretty colors.
