
Monday, November 15, 2010

Early Blooming of Amaryllis

When I wrote my bulbs craziness in my previous post, I did not expect that I can provide one picture of my own of one of those bulbs this soon.  My Amaryllis 'Apple Blossom' has bloomed! 

This was the bulb I picked up from Lowe's about 10 days ago.  It already had flower spike when I brought it home.  In short 10 days, it opened three gorgeous flowers!

Yes, I know this seems a little too early for Amaryllis blooming, but I don't mind enjoying this early arrival at all.  As a matter of fact, I have been so exciting that I can not help myself snapping its pictures since the day three buds burst out of the pod.

I love every aspect of this flower, white base, pink stripes, and the green center.  It does remind me of a "Apple blossom".

I did go back to pick up three more of Amaryllis bulbs after I purchased the initial two ('Apple blossom' and 'Oskar').  The other three are:  'Susan', 'Star of Holland' and 'Christmas Story'.  'Oskar' also had flower spike when I purchased, so I guess it will be the next in blooming.  'Christmas Story' just produced one flower spike from the base.  Looks like it might bloom before the Christmas, and its pure white color might be the reason of the name .   'Susan' and 'Star of Holland' only have leaves now.  It would be so much fun to see them blooming one after another.  I will make sure you will not miss seeing them blooming in my future posts.


  1. That amaryllis is beautiful! I saw some at Lowe's the other day where they had opened the boxes because bloom stalks had risen up. I wonder if it will bloom again in the spring, or wait until the next year. Hopefully, you'll keep us informed. Hmmm...or maybe I'll go buy some of my own and see what happens. : )

  2. It really does deserve all the attention you've paid to it ... what an absolute beauty! Can't wait to see photos of the others.

  3. This is beautiful Ami. You've definitely added another beauty to your lovely gardens. I look forward to seeing your other bulbs blooms.


  4. That is such a nice bloom. I'm with Floridagirl in hoping that it will bloom again for you in the spring. But, if not, it sure is pretty now. The great thing about Amaryllis is that they will stay with you for years and years. I usually wait to purchase them until after Christmas when they go on sale but the selection isn't as good then.

  5. Love Apple Blossom....I struggle with my Amaryllis' blooming....sigh

  6. Lucky you to have an amaryllis bulb at this time of year. The leaves on my plants are just beginning to emerge from the ground after the lubber grasshoppers devoured them this past summer. Very pretty!

  7. Thanks all for your kind comments!

    Floridagirl and NanaK: I doubt that this will bloom again in the spring since I think these bulbs are forced to bloom early, and all the energy might have been used up. It won't have enough time to rebuild the engergy in the bulb. But we will see... If they bloom again, I am sure I will give an update! :)
