
Friday, November 26, 2010

My Favorites -- November 2010

Once again, I am joining Susan to post my favorites of the month.

This Heliconia is certainly the star of the month.  When the slim flower bud initially formed on the plant, I did not expect it could look so spectacular when it fully opens. 

This Hawaii Ti has been showing the bright pink color this month.   A plant with pretty foliage is always welcome in my garden!

I planted three Red Salvias in front of a white Angelonia angustifolia in the full sun area.  The color combination made me think this would be a good Christmas color scheme.   What do you think?

This might be the last flower of this Plumeria.  The leaves have started turning to yellow and falling.  Soon, they will go to the dormant stage, and wait for the next year to show its beauty again.

May I show you one more time of my ground orchids (Spathoglottis)?  The flowers have been standing since August, and I have the feeling that they may also soon fade away.

I bought six snapdragons in the terrible condition for 25 cents each from a big box store's clearance rack.  The leaves were all drooping and I could not tell what colors they are.  Now two of them are rewarding me with their velvet purple/red flowers.  I always feel excited when I am able to nurture some plants from near-death to the life.

Even these double impatiens are small, but with lots of them blooming, they are surely brighten my shady corner of the garden.

Datura metel (Devil's trumpet) was attacked by tomato hornworms back in August and lost all its leaves.  Now they not only survived, they have been blooming prolifically for quite some time.  Wanted to include it into this month's favorite in case any cold weather kills it for good.

This is the month that my pink Angel's Trumpet's(Brugmansia) first opened its flowers.  They look gorgeous in any angle.

I think these Indian Blanket flowers (Gaillardia pulchella) will remain as my favorite for months coming, especially in the winter, when not much are blooming...

Without any doubt, these two early arrivals of Amaryllis are my favorites of the month!

Amaryllis 'Oskar'

Amaryllis 'Apple Blossom'

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Day, and a great weekend ahead! 


  1. absolutely stunning photos, and those would be my favorites if they were in my garden too! My heliconia is still putting out new bloom spikes too, and if it weren't for the frezes I bet it would just bloom all year. Awesome angel's trumpet too!

  2. Wonderful faves, Ami! I absolutely love that composition of the two different ground orchids with the variegated shell ginger in the background. Lovely! I love little micro-vistas like that. And what a beautiful Datura! A favorite of mine...I need to replant it, as I had none come up from seed this year.

  3. Everything looks so fresh and beautiful! I love those ground orchids, and that pink foliage in the second photo is stunning. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  4. Hi Ami

    You certainly were right about the colour in your part of the world just now. Your photos are beautiful and if I was just to pick one flower that is my favourite from your list - and that's a hard thing to do - it would have to be that purplish white datura with the very dainty looking petals.

    Thankyou so much for your visit today - I don't get around the blogs so much these days as I am keeping 3 blogs going at the same time along with my photography work. I take it that the best time of the year to visit Florida is the end of November then?

  5. You have great favorites this month, Ami. My favorites of your favorites are the ground orchids and angel trumpet. It's nice to know that those ground orchid blooms last so long. Perhaps I shall have some blooms on mine next year. The color on that angel trumpet is just so nice and soft, I love it.

  6. Hi Ami...You've got some great faves this month. I agree with you on colorful foliage. It's a real showstopper in the garden. The bloom spike on your heliconia is striking. My ground orchids never did bloom this year...I think I need more direct sun. Very pretty! Thanks for joining in.

  7. Ami, I love your plants! Datura is so... mysterious and exotic! And the amaryllis - wow!

  8. Hi Amy, your flowers are beautiful. My plumeria’s flowers are long gone and all the leaves are dropping

  9. All your flowers look so beautiful.
    Cannot stop admiring your ground orchids. They look so exceptionally beautiful. Wished I got them in my garden. (lol)
