
Thursday, March 31, 2011

End of March Garden

Can not believe it is the last day of March already!  I have not got much time to post recently, but everyday I can find something new blooming in my garden. 

Let me give you a quick tour in my March garden without much words...

Catteleya Orchid
Sophrolaeliocattleya Jewel Box 'Scheherazade' AM/AOS

When I bought this moth orchid, it was in a bad state, so I got it at a bargain price.  Now after some tender loving care, it rewarded me its beautiful flowers.  Love the unique pattern of the flower.

This white moth orchid also blooms the second time for me.

Some of my favorite container combinations...
Mona Lavendar

This Seemannia sylvatica 'Bolivian Sunset' has been non-stopping blooming since last November.  It will be interesting to see if it can tolerate Florida heat and humidity as well.
Seemannia sylvatica 'Bolivian Sunset'

I recently bought two blue containers, and this is one of them.  The plants I have chosen to put in are:  One Cordyline baurei 'Red Star' , verbena (white and pink stripe) and another unknown plant (orange flowers).

A close look...  I lost the tag of this small orange flower.  Anybody who recognizes the plant please share the name with me.

We got lots of much needed rain on past Tuesday and Wednesday.  Bromeliads always look extra fresh and beautiful after the rain.

I cut back this Cat Whiskers to almost half before the winter, now it is growing like wild again.  The red leave coleus is one of my favorite coleus plants.  I planted it last summer, and it still remians its beautiful color even it has grown much bigger.  I also have rooted several cuttings successfully. 

Just love the hot pink of this Hawaii Ti leaves!

First several caladiums emerged from the ground.  I move them into this new side garden border, next to the air conditioner unit.   This spot used to be an eye sore, now it  has some much needed colors added.

Three of my ground orchids have started blooming again.  Ground orchids have long blooming period in South Florida, and they have become one of my favorite collections.

More Dietes bicolor flowers have opened since they opened the first flower about three weeks ago.

This Dipladenia pink certainly knows the spring is coming.  It has been climbing up against the fence, and peeking over neighbour's gackyard. 

I am also submitting this post to participate Noel's "Hot, Loud and Proud" meme, and Katarina's Blooming Friday -- 'On the ground' meme.  For more beautiful flowers around the world, please also follow the link to visit their sites.

Have a nice weekend!


  1. aloha amy,

    wow, your collection is getting bigger and bigger, its beautiful

  2. Oh Ami ~ I LOVE all of your wonderful plants. You have a fantastic collection going and your love of gardening shows in your gardens.

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

  3. Ooh, I have that same purple and yellow Harlequin Phalaenopsis. It too is one of my faves. Husband bought it for me for Valentine's last year. I've not had many reblooms this past year in the Orchid Room, but I think this might be one of the orchids now in bud. (I've lost track of which orchid is which. Fingers crossed.)

    Lovin' all your containers! They are all so lush and colorful. I wish I could be a better container gardener. Something to work on... Wonderful broms as usual!

  4. Now this was a blooming post! You have so much in flower and those orchids are gorgeous. My white Phal finally bloomed, but not as full of flower as your beauty.

  5. Lovely to see a garden in a climate so different from mine. It is an explosion of colour!

  6. Hi Ami...You've got a great collection of broms, but you know I love the orchids the best. I need to go and see if my Jewel box is getting ready to bloom. She blooms every clockwork. Your garden looks beautiful.

  7. Fantastic photos Ami! I like your orchids very much. Have a nice weekend.

  8. ooohhh, Ami... all those pretty blooms and orchids and broms... really lovely.

    I think your little orange flower is a calibrachoa or million bells... they come in lots of different colors. They like our cooler months and will do well until the humidity hits and then they will usually fade away. Here's a link that might help you ID it...
    Love your March garden!

  9. Goodness, Ami! What beauties you have! And so many of them. You have a wonderful garden.

  10. You have some gorgeous plants in your garden! The orchids are stunning!

  11. Oh wow! You have some beautiful blooms in your garden. Those broms look so nice and the colors really pop against those white stones.

  12. Ami, Your Orchids are really looking good. It's funny how you start with just one and before you know it they are everywhere. Orchids are quite addicting it seems.

  13. Everything looks so fresh and beautiful, a credit to you. Your March garden is wonderful, packed with beauty and interesting plants. I love your ground orchids; Ami you really have a plants woman's garden with all your variety of plants. I enjoyed the tour very much.

  14. Lovely pictures. Have a nice day/Gela

  15. simply beautiful! i dont have much luck with flower besides my geraniums are loving Miami weather..

  16. Absolutely gorgeous. I was shaking my head. The reds looks so beautiful against the white rock. Your containers are really pretty too!!

  17. Hi, Ami! Your March garden is gorgeous (although I'm quite late - it's April 13)! Your orchids are fantastic!! You must be in heaven...I know how much you love them! Your broms are also doing so well - bravo! And the Orange Marmalade looks beautiful! Nice color combo. All of your blooms have really matured - I'm enjoying them!

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