
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Another Lily from My Favorite Nursery!

In one of my recent posts I mentioned that I bought an unknown lily from a local nursery.  Floridagirl at helped me to identify that lily is one of Griffinia cordataGriffinia aracensis or G. liboniana.  I think the best match is Griffinia liboniana since my plant has spotted leaves.  Thank you, Floridagirl!  Its origin is Brazilian rainforest.  Even it is small, but what a cute beauty it is! 

Griffinia liboniana
Chinese Common name: 蓝晶花 (blue crystal flower)

I visited the same nursery again a couple of weeks ago, and discovered another lily like plant in blooming.  The flower is orange color with long yellow stamens.  The one that is flowering doesn't have leaves, but I can see leaves on other non-flowering plants.  The leaves are similar to the one that Griffinia liboniana has, without spots though.  I asked the owner Sherry what its name is, and she said:  "Orange lily, go find the name and bring back to me, and I will write down."  She is such a pleasant lady with a good sense of humor, and every time I visit her nursery, we always chat a little bit about plants.  

Eucrosia Bicolor

I used the google image to match this lily. After going through a couple of hundreds of pictures, I found the match!

It is called Peruvian Lily or the scientific name Eucrosia Bicolor, from Amaryllidaceae family. It is found in Ecuador and Peru. I am so glad to find another bulb will thrive in South Florida.

Now you know why Sherry's nursery becomes my favorite nursery.  Every time I go there, I feel like going treasure hunt.  With no disappointment, I almost always can find something new and worth bringing home.  This lily is another treasure I discovered!

For readers living in Broward County Florida, if you are interested in this nursery, you might not be able to find it from the Internet.  Its name is "Bah's Nursery", and it is located on the south side of Griffin Rd, East of I-75.  If you drive on Griffin Rd from West to East, you can find "Bah's Nursery" sign on the right side of the road after you pass I-75 not far away.  No, Sherry did not ask me to write this for her,and she even does not know I have a blog.  For a nursery like this, I am happy to use my little public space to promote this hidden treasure. Happy Hunting :)


  1. Those are really stunning lilies, Ami. I can see why you snapped them up. They're a natural for your garden.

  2. Those are truly beautiful lilies. You're lucky to have found them for your garden.

  3. Those are gorgeous little lilies that you've found for your gardens. You have some of the most unusual beauties. I love seeing the different treasures that you find.


  4. How fun to have a nursery like that close to you. Sounds like a fun trip each time you go. Getting to know another plant lover is a real benefit too. Love the lilies and am so glad they love your garden.

  5. I love the Peruvian Lily! So beautiful!! I'm glad you identified the nursery and even shared directions. That's a bit of a hike for me, but I know the location well. I've not found a good source of such beauties so I might make the hike. Great find, Ami!

  6. Always a thrill to find plants we don't see often but that will thrive in our gardens. AND to have a source like the nursery you visit is invaluable.

    That lily is stunning.

  7. Do you have the number to that nursery?

  8. Hi. That great hidden little nursery, Bah's Nursery, you so nicely talk about is my favorite place to get plants and trees. I like to sit with Shirley and shoot the breeze and hear her advice on natural home remedies. You're right about the treasure hunt.
