
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fall Florida Garden Update

Have not been posting anything for a while... Being busy and maybe also a little bit lazy explains this long blog break very well.   Now the hot summer is behind us,  we Floridian are in the best weather of the year.  I love this cool weather, and I got more energy out of it.  I found myself enjoying working in the garden again, although the gardening time is even more limited after daylight savings time ended.

I have been doing lots of gardening chores, most of them were related to cleaning, trimming, removing the dead plants.  After a long summer, lots of plants are either growing huge, or looking sad. However, there are lots of plants  seem enjoying this cool weather as much as this gardener.

Here are some pictures from last month that I would like to post here for my own record keeping.

Roses perform much better in this cool weather than they were in the hot humid Florida summer.

Josephine's Land
Queen Elizabeth


Belinda's Dream

Belinda's Dream

Firespike (Odontonema strictum)
 My friend gave me one small cutting of pagoda flower early this year.  Since I have not found the proper spot, I kept it in a one gallon pot.  As young as it was, it surprised me with its first flower cluster last month.
Pagoda Flower (Clerodendrum paniculatum)

Bridal Bouquet (Plumeria pudica)

The following are more recent pictures from this month's garden. 

Bromeliad Corner is now more filled in.
Does anybody know the name of the bromeliad below?  This one performs very well in the full sun.

On the other side, Neoregelia Zoe could not take much sun.  Too much sun will burn its leaves and fade the color.  This clump is located in a partial shade area, and kept its showy color.

Neoregelia Zoe
Matchstick bromeliad multiplies itself quite fast.  This is one of a few flowers.
Aechmea gamsepala
'Matchstick Bromeliad'
Various ground orchids are putting up shows in this fall garden.  Over the past two years, I have bought, divided the ground orchids and they are now all quite happy in the different flower beds.  

These are other orchids that are blooming now...

Here are more recent looks of the east side garden I opened during the summer.  Comparing them to the picture in August post , the bed looks much more established although I still have not finished planting at the further end.  Except some bushes as foundation plants, I used lots of free plants from other parts of my garden.  Those colorful coleus, impatiens, and Vincas are all volunteer seedlings from last year's plants. White and purple Angelonia angustifolia are from the cuttings. Don't you love the free plants? 

Some other plants in this flower bed:

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Brunfelsia pauciflora

Mealycup sage

Dwarf Mussaenda, White Wing 

Blue Butterfly
Clerodendrum ugandense
Sorry for a long post, but feel much needed after a long blogging break :)


  1. It is so good to see you posting again. I thought about you just the other day wondering where you were. This past summer really took it's tole on gardeners. I'm so glad to have the cooler temps, although the past 4 days and today feel like summer again with the heat and humidity.

    I love your roses and your yesterday, today and tomorrow, plus that blue butterfly bloom plant. Every thing looks lush and lovely there in your gardens.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  2. we are just entering our hot and humid season! Missed your blogs - your garden certainly has filled in nicely and everything is looking lovely. I love your roses.

  3. Your garden is looking beautiful. I love the orchids and the bromeliads, neither of which I have in my garden. Your roses are lovely too and the little blue butterfly is so sweet - it looks just like a little butterfly. Good to see you blog again, I enjoyed my stroll around your garden.

  4. Ami, your garden is looking fantastic, and I love Josephine's Land. It looks like an Austin. All your orchids and bromeliads are amazing. And yes, the coolness is wonderful. Too bad it gets dark at 6 o'clock. Doesn't leave much time after work for anything except a quick walk.

  5. I'm glad you have been able to get out in the garden more lately. Your roses look very happy. Belinda's Dream looks like she has really settled into her spot.

    I think you have quite a knack for growing orchids! They are lovely.

  6. Beautiful gardens, love the all of the perennials!

  7. Enjoyed looking at all your garden plants especially your orchids & Bromeliads. They are so lovely.

  8. So glad to see you posting again! I was a little worried. I truly enjoy seeing all that you have to offer. It's inspiring and allows me to plan for my future landscaping and gardenng endeavors when I relocate to Ft. Lauderdale. Thanks!

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