
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring has come in full speed

Spring has come in full speed, and I found myself hardly catching up.  The garden really looks wonderful in any angle, well, at least in my eyes :)

Nun's orchid (Phaius tankervilliae) bloomed in March.

Three Irises also started blooming in March.

Neomarica Caerulea 'Regina'

Dietas bicolor

Neomarica Gracilis

Five Amaryllis bulbs I bought last year, now two "Apple Blossom"s are blooming.  The other three are still taking their time, and have not even shown the sign of buds.

'Apple Blossom'

Caladiums started popping up everywhere around the garden.

This is the second year of this Peruvian Lily  (Eucrosia Bicolor) called my garden home.  After it finished blooming last year, it gradually lost all the leaves, and completely disappeared from the ground.  I almost thought maybe they are rotten in the ground, and I lost them for good.  A couple of weeks ago, several flower spikes popping up from the ground without any leaves around.  That was real sweet surprise for me.  Beautiful, huh?  The leaves appeared after the flowers were opened.

Last year I started some Marigolds from store bought seeds.  After they finished blooming, I collected those seed heads, and casually spread them in several containers, and then almost forgot them.  Surprisingly, the seedlings grow so fast and strong, better than those that I put much care for.  Since I had so many seedlings, I started putting them everywhere in my garden, and distributed them to the friends.

The new flowerbed I opened two months ago is also gradually filling in.  I added some annuals for the season color.  Vinca is becoming my favorite annuals.  They just thrive in the Florida sun without much care, and they reseed themselves easily.  They are almost like perennials in this South Florida Garden since they could bloom all year long.  I have several different colors, pink, white, lavender, and crimson.

Flax Lily, Daisy Bush, Marigolds, and double Portulaca (Portulaca 'Fairytale Cinderella')

Love how the leave of Aechmea blanchetiana 'Orangeade' reflected the morning sunshine in following two  pictures.

Other areas of the garden...

Spiderwort has grown from one small division into a big clump. (Thank you, Meems!)
Spiderwort (Tradescantia)

Dipladenia pink got a heavy trim the end of last year, now it is coming back stronger and more beautiful.

Happy Spring!


  1. Dear Ami ~ Your gardens and blooms are oh so lovely. Aechmea blanchetiana 'Orangeade' is stunning. Your Nuns orchids and your iris are beautiful. I'm happy your Peruvian lily came back and that your marigold seeds have sprouted and blessed you with blooms. I love your Dipladenia too.

    Happy gardening and thanks for sharing your sweet bit of paradise.


    1. Thank you , FlowerLady! This is truly a wonderful time of the year, isn't it? Let's all enjoy the garden as much as we can before the summer heat hits us :) Happy Gardening!

  2. Hi Ami...Your garden looks so tidy and beautiful. With all those caladiums it looks like you're already in summer. It's amazing what a mild winter will do. Love the bloom on your Peruvian's stunning! Glad to see it decided to call your garden home. Enjoy the wonderful weather and your beautiful garden.

    1. Thank you, Susan! I am enjoying that new flower bed very much. Yes, someday I really felt it is summer already. Fortunately the night is still cool. Peruvian lily is a surprise for me this year. I will see how it can multiply itself.

  3. Your garden is really enjoying this spring. The plants look like they have put down roots in a place they love. Your broms are beautiful - so many colors. It's fun to see how those marigolds have reseeded and given you so many pretty flowers!

    1. Those marigolds are really putting a show in my garden right now. Such easy plants too!

  4. Oh Ami your garden is beautiful! I love the wide variety of gorgeous blooms you have! That Peruvian lily is a stunner!

    1. Thank you, Jayne! Yes that Peruvian lily is a beauty!

  5. Girl! Other than the Spiderwort everything is so gorgeous!!

    1. Darla: Thank you! Just curious, why you don't like Spiderwort? Is it kind of invasive? So far so good in my garden, I love its pretty blue flowers :)

  6. I didn't realise how Spring can be so beautiful & vigorous until I saw your beautiful garden now.
    The orchids looks so immaculately beautiful and it just fits for her name.
    Thanks for sharing

  7. Beautiful spring garden! Love the Nun's Orchids and Peruvian Lilies! And I am still very jealous of that Orangeade. Gorgeous!

    1. Floridagirl:

      I wish you live close by, because my Orangeade is setting out lots of pups, and definitely you can pick up some from my garden. Just keep in mind, whenever you have chance coming to my area, let me know. You may choose some plants you like from my garden.

  8. Ami -- I am getting closer to relocating to South Florida, and I treasure each one of your photos for inspiration. I may have more questions as I learn to live and garden in a whole new zone.

    1. Kevin: Gardening in a whole new zone will be every exciting! Let me know when you move, I will be happy to help you if I can.

  9. aloha ami,

    wow, lots of beautiful colors, love all the tropical plants...those nuns caps grow wild in our area and i'm always awestruck by their beauty. Your caladiums are fantastic, i want to start growing some also.
