"Gardening is about enjoying the smell of things growing in the soil, getting dirty without feeling guilty, and generally taking the time to soak up a little peace and serenity. " ~Lindley Karstens

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Livingstone Daisy 'Mezoo Trailing Red'

Well, I have to admit that I am taking a risk to use Livingstone Daisy 'Mezoo Trailing Red' as the title because I think the plant I am introducing today is not exact same as Livingstone Daisy 'Mezoo Trailing Red', but close enough.  If anybody knows its correct name, please let me know.

The real Livingstone Daisy 'Mezoo Trailing Red' has all the same features as my plant, but it has variegated leaves with white edge, and mine has solid green leaves.  Here is a link for the detail of Livingstone Daisy 'Mezoo Trailing Red' .  You can see the difference.

This plant again is a pass-along from my friend at work. (Is it great to have a friend like that?  I bet you all have such friends, or you ARE such a friend to your friends!) 

When I received it, it only had several branches, since it looked like a succulent plant to me, I cut those  branches into multiple sections, and directly stick those sections into the same pot.  Each section was easily rooted, and now I have a container full of this beautiful plant.

The flower is bright red with yellow center, and it closes on cloudy days or after the sun down.

The leaves are fleshy succulent look. This plant can be a beautiful ground cover, or growing in a hanging basket since it has the trailing character. I really love how the flowers look against the glossy leaves. They are very showy flowers even they are small.

As I mentioned before, the propagation is easily done by cutting the branch into sections and root them in the soil directly. Mine is in a full sun area, but I think it will do great in partial sun area too especially in Florida. Actually I might try to move the container to a partial sun area to see if it will grow even better.

Once established, it is quite drought tolerant. The normal rainfall would be sufficient for its water needs.

So if you are looking for an easy and pretty ground cover, or some trailing plant (spiller) for your full sun/partial sun container design, this might be one of your options.

**This is my last auto-scheduled post during my three-week vacation out of country.  Hope you enjoyed all three auto-scheduled posts when I am away :)  As good as a vacation really is, I am sure I will be very happy to come back to my garden soon!**


  1. What a wonderful little plant that is. The flowers are pretty and it's easy to root and grow.

    Yes, vacations are nice, but it is always great to be back home, to your own bed and gardens.


  2. That is a beautiful plant and spills out very lushly over its container. Hope you enjoyed your vacation!

  3. A succulent with a very pretty flower...what more could you ask for. I'll have to find some of that.

  4. That is a very interesting plant. I think I'll use your container idea. My containers have been lacking in creativity. A little "spiller" planting would add a lot. Hope you have a safe trip back!

  5. what a gorgeous plant this is. I love the succulent foliage. I think the flowers look like little dandelion flowers and have a gorgeous color. I really like this!

    I hope all your plants are doing well and that you're having a great time!

  6. What a double bonus to have - lovely foliage with beautiful flowers.
    And because they are succulent, you don't really have to water them a lot.

  7. Very pretty, succulent! I have limited my potted plants to almost all succulents. They are just so easy to care for especially when on vacation. Enjoy yours!!

  8. could it live at the beach?


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