
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Here Comes the Rain!

I think the raining season finally comes to South Florida!  The past week, almost everyday we got some rain, enough kept my garden watered.  Everything looks more lush and green, including grass.

Rain lilies (Zephyranthes) opened after a good rain.  I only had one rain lily last year, and this year I bought one small pot from my favorite nursery, and came home found there were more than two dozen of bulbs packed in!  I planted them on the border of my flower bed.  They were still quite young.  Expecting next year they can really make the show when they multiply more and open flowers all together.


Meems at Hoe and Shovel got me hooked on caladiums with her beautiful caladium pictures in her garden.   I do not have much shade or partial area in my garden, but I still managed to squeeze about 75 bulbs into different flower beds and containers. 
I think this is ‘Florida Cardinal’.  

Meems also sent me some of her favorite ‘Miss Muffet’ caladium.  They blend in the Bromeliad corner so nicely .  Just love the texture and the color! Thanks, Meems! 
I need to buy more of these.  This year it was sold out on the online store when I was ready to put the order.
The same bromeliad corner from another angle.  The white caladium in the distant is ‘White Christmas’.

Don’t know what is the name of this caladium.
This is what happened when you bought those “mixed” packages, and had no idea what would come up when you planted.  Maybe I should sort them out before they disappear to the ground this fall, so that I can have more planned color arrangement next year.

Although I don’t mind this combination in the container…

Firespike (Odontonema strictum) is setting lots of flower scapes.  Hope I can see hummers visiting this one soon.

Self seeded white Zinnias and pink Vincas are becoming a nice combination in this flower bed.

I tucked different types of house plants into this container and now it mixes with all different textures and colors together quite nicely.    Sometimes simply throwing something together might not be a bad thing.


Yay!  Finally I got several shots of a Monarch butterfly on my Zinnias!  Not very clear shots, but I was so happy that I finally found some butterfly other than ‘White Peacock’ visiting my garden, and I was able to capture it in my picture.

More Siam tulip flowers…


Now we have more rain, Ground orchids are picking up the speed to shoot more flower scapes.


It is nice to see this Griffinia liboniana is reblooming! 


My family is going away for a two week vacation starting this weekend.  We are going to visit YellowStone, Grand Canyon and other national parks in the West.  Kids are excited, and me too!

This raining season came just in time, so that I don’t need to worry too much about my garden.

If I don’t post again before I go, Happy 4th of July, and Happy Gardening, my friends!


  1. Hi Ami; your garden looks splendid, love the pink Zephyranthes which are a good staple in the garden. They will increase nicely by bulbs and seed. I have been off blogging for a while. Happy holidays. T.

  2. We have been receiving the afternoon rain showers this week too, so very welcome! Your gardens look beautiful, the white caladiums are my favorite as they really brighten up a shady area. My firespike won't bloom until late summer early fall.

  3. Oh Ami ~ I really enjoy seeing your lovely gardens and everything looks so lush and colorful! I also have some Miss Muffits from Meems and they are just sprouting up and I look forward to seeing their sweetly colored leaves. That one just stole my heart for some reason.

    My firespike has no blooms yet, neither does my ground orchid, so I'm hoping to see some soon since we are having this wonderful rain happening just about every day.

    Have a wonderful vacation. I know you will enjoy it.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  4. Hi Ami. I love stopping in to see what's happening in your garden. Glad to see that the rain is there. I know that South Florida is in desperate need of it. Cheers!

  5. Your ground ochids have me so jealous.Mine haven't bloomed yet.
    Your garden is coming along beautifully.You should be proud!
    Have a great vacation with your family.We'll be waiting right here when you get back.

  6. Your garden is looking beautiful Ami. I'm so jealous of your rain! We need it so badly. I'm dreading my water bill this month! I especially like your caladiums -- such rich colors. I have some caladiums too, in containers on the patio. I love them, but I have no idea what varieties I have! I hope you see some hummers on your Firespike soon.

  7. Enjoy your vacation but beware of the bears in Yellowstone:) That is an area I have always wanted to see but haven't gotten there yet.

    Love all your garden areas. The firespike was a surprise. Mine usually doesn't bloom until maybe August. It's a great plant for long lasting blooms isn't it? Your caladium collection is growing well and I personally like having the mixtures here and there in addition to the more color planned areas.

    Have fun while you're away!

  8. Oh, and congratulations on the monarch!

  9. Hi Ami...Your garden looks so refreshed from the rain showers. You really can't beat caladiums in the summer garden...they add so much wonderful color. Wish they could hang around all year. Enjoy your vacation. It sounds great.

  10. Catchin' up a little late, Ami. Wow! 75 caladium bulbs? That's a lot and you have such a young garden! (I'm gonna need to do some catchin' up.) I personally like the mixed colors. I've bought a couple bags like that too in the past.
