
Friday, July 22, 2011

Flowers In The Wild: Part 1

I have been back from my two week vacation for about six days now.  We have visited six national parks including Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Zion and Timpanogos Cave National Monument in Salt Lake City.  The experience were unbelievable!

While we have been enjoying the beautiful scenery, I could not help noticing all the wild flowers in the wild.  They were blooming at different elevation levels, some in the open meadows, some on the rocky mountains, some near the cliffs, some next to the water falls, some next to an active erupting geyser or hot springs, everywhere and anywhere!  They call them as Wild Flowers for a reason!

I have taken lots of flowers’ pictures while hiking, which made the hiking even more interesting.  It is hard to choose just a few in one post, I will divide it into two parts.

I marked those flowers that I was able to find names by comparing the pictures.  For rest of them, I will leave them for my dear readers to tell me...

Bryce Canyon National Park

Sego lily (Bryce Canyon)

(Bryce Canyon)
(Bryce Canyon)
(Bryce Canyon)
Zion National Park

Sacred Datura (Zion National Park)

Globemallow (Zion National Park)
Orange Columbine (Zion National Park)
Orange Columbine (Zion National Park)
Grand Canyon National Park

Three squirrels posed for us in Grand Canyon

Indian Paintbrush (Grand Canyon)
Arizona Thistle (Grand Canyon)

Grand Canyon
Firecracker (Grand Canyon)

Grand Teton National Park

These yellow mules ears were seen everywhere during our five days visit to Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks.

Grand Teton
You still can see snow on the mountains in the background in the following two pictures.

Grand Teton

Grand Teton
Grand Teton

Do you see why I said these yellow mules ears were EVERYWHERE?
Grand Teton 
Taken in Grand Teton

Taken in Grand Teton
Skyrocket (Grand Teton)
Bluemat Penstemon (Grand Teton)

As of my own garden, it rained a lot over the two weeks I was away.  You can imagine how wild the weeds have grown, and so were the plants.  The abundant mosquitos were making my weeding progress very slow, and quite frankly I was also feeling a little tired after the vacation.  I need another stay-home vacation to recover from this vacation!  :)

Just realized that this post indeed is my 100th post!  Yay! 


  1. Congrats on your 100th post! Your photos are fantastic!And those wildflowers!!Love this post!

  2. Congratulations on 100! Your photos are gorgeous! They all look like postcards. (Could those squirrels be chipmunks?) I would love to visit those places someday.

    Know what you mean about those weeds. My garden sat untouched and unvisited for 3 weeks and had turned into a jungle.

  3. Beautiful photos Ami. I have wanted to visit that area of the U.S. for a long time. Someday I hope to get out there and see those wildflowers and mountains for myself. Thanks for sharing your time there. It sure is a different view than in Florida, isn't it?

  4. Your photos are wonderful Ami. I have never visited that area (yet) and really enjoyed seeing your photos. Congratulations on your 100th post.

  5. ChrisC: Thanks. For other blogs, it was quite easy to reach 100th milestone, for me it took one and half years :)

  6. FG: Those squirrels are very possibly chipmunks. My older son told me it was chipmunks :)

  7. NanaK: Definitely those places are so different from Florida! Do go there if you got chance. We waited until our younger son is old enough (9 years old) to be able to do lots of hikings :)

  8. Jayne: Thanks! Glad that my photos can give you some "preview" of those places! I am sure you would love the trip if you go there.
