
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Flowers in the Rain

The past week we have been experiencing almost daily afternoon showers.  I just love the flowers with rain drops on, so fresh and lovely.

Chinese Rain Bell, or Strobilanthes flaccidifolius, really becomes "Rain Bell" after the rain!  Did you see the reflection in the rain drops?  Oh, that tiny spider also caught in the picture!

Strobilanthes flaccidifolius
Chinese Rain Bell

This is the first time louisiana iris bloomed in my garden.  Meems at Hoe and Shovel was so generous to send me two rhizomes last year.  Thank you, Meems!

Rain lily really lives up to its name.  I saw there are more flower scapes coming up this afternoon.

Rain Lily
Belinda's dream is doing great in my garden, recent rain seems have promoted lots of flower buds on her as well.

Belinda's Dream

Hibiscus 'Anderson Crepe'
I am loving the flowers in the rain! Aren't you?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Here they came together again!

Since I received this Tropical Lilac (Cornutia grandifolia) and the Needle flower    (Augusta rivalis) about two years ago, they have been growing into a tree and a big bush, respectively.  By no mistake, they always bloom at the same time in May.  This year they seem came a little earlier thanks to our mild winter. 

Tropical Lilac (Cornutia grandifolia)

Tropical Lilac (Cornutia grandifolia)

Tropical Lilac (Cornutia grandifolia)
When it is not blooming, I enjoy the fragrant leaves all year long.  Every time I pass by, I just could not help to rub the leaves between my fingers, and smell the wonderful scent from the leaves.  Every time a visitor comes to my garden, I always offer them to take a leaf to smell.  I am glad most of them love it. Some of them want to have one as well.  Unfortunately, this is kind of plant you don't see in the nursery store.  I still have not found the way to propagate it, rooting cuttings, and growing from seeds both failed.  If anybody knows a way, please let me know.

This year is the first time the Needle flower bush set so MANY flowers, hundreds of them! Aren't those flower buds really look like "Needles"?

Needle flower (Augusta rivalis)

Needle flower (Augusta rivalis)
Needle flower (Augusta rivalis)
The good part of Need Flower is that it is easy to propagate via cuttings.  This has been making sharing among friends easy.

With Tropical Lilac, Needle flower, pink Angle Trumpet, and ground orchids blooming together in this flower bed, you can guess how I am loving this area these days!  This used to be a muddy area when we moved in three years ago.

Hope they can come back again and again for many years coming!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

These are some flowers currently blooming in my garden.  I would like to use them to wish all the mothers:

          Happy Mother's Day 
Click to enlarge

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Expecting Lilies

I bought five Ellen Bosanquet Crinum Lily bulbs at the end of year 2010.  After one and half years, finally it bloomed for the first time.  Love the hot pink color! I hope they can multiply as fast as what I heard.

They are located in a full sun area, may get a couple of hours of shade from the neighbour's coconut trees.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wordless Wednesday:Needle Flower and Aechmea chantinii Blooming

Needle Flower (Augusta rivalis)
Family: Rubiaceae
Needle Flower (Augusta rivalis)
Family: Rubiaceae

Needle Flower (Augusta rivalis)
Family: Rubiaceae
Needle Flower (Augusta rivalis)
Family: Rubiaceae

Aechmea chantinii
Aechmea chantinii

Aechmea chantinii
Aechmea chantinii
I am joining Wordless Wednesday.