
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Flowers in the Rain

The past week we have been experiencing almost daily afternoon showers.  I just love the flowers with rain drops on, so fresh and lovely.

Chinese Rain Bell, or Strobilanthes flaccidifolius, really becomes "Rain Bell" after the rain!  Did you see the reflection in the rain drops?  Oh, that tiny spider also caught in the picture!

Strobilanthes flaccidifolius
Chinese Rain Bell

This is the first time louisiana iris bloomed in my garden.  Meems at Hoe and Shovel was so generous to send me two rhizomes last year.  Thank you, Meems!

Rain lily really lives up to its name.  I saw there are more flower scapes coming up this afternoon.

Rain Lily
Belinda's dream is doing great in my garden, recent rain seems have promoted lots of flower buds on her as well.

Belinda's Dream

Hibiscus 'Anderson Crepe'
I am loving the flowers in the rain! Aren't you?


  1. Your rain-splashed blooms are absolutely gorgeous. Love the Chinese Rain Bell. That's something I've been thinking about getting for a little while now. Your Iris is just beautiful too.

    1. I think you will not regret it if you grow Chinese Rain Bell. It is very easy, grows fast, and no pest so far.

  2. Rain always refresh the garden with the earthly scent.
    I guess the rainbow and the splash of blooms had brighten your day.

  3. I always enjoy seeing raindrops on blooms. These are wonderful photos.

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

  4. Well, your garden is doing awesome. Rain every day? I am so jealous. Also a bit envious of your Louisiana iris and rain lily blooms. Mine sit there doing nothing right now. The rain lilies did bloom back in April when we got a couple inches of rain, but I guess we haven't had enough this month.

    That first photo is fantastic ~ I've never seen Chinese Rain Bells. Will have to research that one. It's so fun to learn about new plants!

    1. I wonder why this time Central Florida is so different from south florida in terms of rain. This week we are still getting daily rain. Actually I hope it can stop after my work, so I can do some gardening.

      I got that Chinese Rain Bells from my one of my favorite nurseries, and I have not seen it anywhere else.

  5. Beautiful photos of beautiful blooms. Belinda's Dream looks like she is very happy in your garden. I think she has just the perfect rose shape and fragrance.

    1. I am glad Belinda's Dream is doing great. The only thing is I am afraid I did not give her enough space. I may have to remove some plants around her to make more room for her :)

  6. I am happy to hear that you're getting rain. We could sure use some up here. I love looking at raindrops on peaceful and refreshing. Glad you mentioned the little spider in the neat!

    1. I wish I can send some rain up to your area :) We are still having rain this afternoon, almost overflow the pool. Now I want it to stop for a while, so that I can do some gardening during the evening time :)

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