
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Rain Lilies Love the Rain

I am joining Wordless Wednesday.


  1. Those photos are lovely Ami.I have the pink ones but they haven't shown their sweet faces yet. I've not seen the white ones except in photos.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Yes, they really have sweet faces! With the recent rain, I think yours will put its show soon. I just got the white one this past weekend.

  2. Wonderful rain lilies, Ami!!! And, yes, I am still jealous...we still have not had enough rain in May to lift mine out of the ground. Pretty, but very short show in April...nothing this month. I only have the pink these days. Had the white years ago, but it got tilled over, or mulched over, or something, during its sleepy time, and I'm sure it's gone forever.

    Enjoy all that rain!

    1. I wish I can send some rain to your way :) Yes, the flowers only last a couple of days, I wish they can stapy longer. When they are not blooming, they really blend into the rest of the flower bed.

      I heard the rain lily is pretty tough, so you never know those white ones might peek through some day and give you some sweet surprises :)

  3. How lovely! Are these the lilies known as naked ladies or magic lilies?

  4. Wow..
    I have rainlilies but they are small.
    Yours seemed to be really big and gloriously many.
    What a wonderful sight to behold.

  5. Yes they do love the rain. My garden is full of rain lilies, it hasn't stop raining here in the last two weeks

  6. Love your rain lilies Ami. Mine just popped up this weekend after we finally got an all day rain on Friday. Yours look like a very nice grouping. They make such a great impact when there are many planted together like yours.

  7. I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. Check it out in my latest post. You have a great day!

  8. In our garden Zephyrantes come and go as they please. Nice post.

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