Seems just not long ago, I was longing for the Spring's coming to wake up my garden. Now it finally came, but why I almost felt it is summer already? (The highest reported today is 87 F here in South Florida!)
Only when sun went down, we still have some cool breeze in the air to enjoy. Okay, I guess we still can call it "Spring" :)
Let me show you some of my spring foliage/blooms in my garden.
I planted this African Iris last year after I moved to my house, and now it finally opened its first bloom.
African Iris (Fortnight lily, Dietes iridioides) |
Orange Marmalade Crossandra is in full bloom again after experiencing the severe frost bite in the winter.
Orange Marmalade Crossandra and Diamond Frost |
I did not expect this "Brazilian Red Hots" could recover after frozen to the ground back in January. What could be a better way to have something this colorful back to the life to celebrate the spring?
Brazilian Red Hots (Alternanthera dentata) |
This Bird's Nest Fern is the new addition to my garden. After seeing so many beautiful pictures in different bloggers' posts, I just had to have it... It is still a very young plant now. Waiting for it growing to a nice impressive garden staple for me...
Bird's Nest Fern |
Marigolds are one of my favorite spring/summer annuals. I bought the yellow one from nursery, and the bi-color one is what I started from the seed (Dwarf Bolero, Ferry-Morse). The picture on the seed package shows the bi-color double layered, not sure why I got the single layer bloom only. The color did not disappoint me though.
I love this purple fountain grass, and the way how all those soft arching purple plums gracefully waiving in the breeze. It is cold-hardy, and heat/drought tolerant, which makes it a perfect ornamental grass for Florida.
Purple Fountain Grass (Pennisetumsetaceum 'Rubrum') |
Newly planted Ground Orchids are gradually adapting to its environment, and setting the second round of the blooms.
Ground Orchids (Spathoglottis) |
Even the Tillandsias is stretching its flower bud out to feel the spring...
Tillandsias |
Snapdragon is considered as winter annuals here in Florida. This is the second set of blooms, more beautiful than ever. These all started from two little plants in 3 inch pots. Wondering if it can hold long enough to give me the third round of flowers before it melts away in Florida's heat?
Snapdragon (Antirrhinum) |
Gazanias continue growing bigger and stronger, and it not only adds bright color for my winter garden, but also seems loving the warm weather as well.
Gazanias |
Lantana yellow trailing finally started blooming following Lantana lavender trailing and Lantana camara.
Lantana Yellow Trailing |
This colorful bush is one of those I inherited from the previous owner. It lost all the leaves after the freeze, and now they also bounce back nicely. Anybody knows the name? I see the same kind of plants planted in some public landscaping as well, just have not found the name yet.
Even the sedum blooms out of my surprise! In the cold weather, this plant has reddish/brown color of leaves and grows low and hugs the soil tightly, trying to hold as much warmth as possible close to the body. Now they change back to that chartreuse-gold color again, and they are all stretching talller and opening the little yellow flowers for the first time! I am so amzed by how plants change their appearance to different weather.
Sedum hybrid Florida Friendly Gold
Oh, how I am loving this spring! Spring, please stay a little longer with us before that long hot humid summer comes!
FloridaGirl at Peace in the Valley has identified the unknow plant with colorful foliage above is: Acalypha wilkesiana, or copperleaf or Joseph's coat. Thanks, FloridaGirl!