For some reason, I found myself always attracted to those plants that have dangling pretty flowers, such as Bleeding Hearts (Dicentra) and Fuchsia (offen misspelled as Fuschias). Those delicate flowers just look so elegant and graceful to me. So when I spotted this Fuchsia at Lowes, I did not hesitate to bring one home.
This Fuchsia has exotic-looking flowers. Their red-purple two-tone colors are just brilliant. When the flower is only a bud, the sepals are closed. As the flower bursts open, the sepals part and curl upward. The flower itself (corolla) consists of many petals from which the stamens and stigma protrude. How can somebody not love this beauty?
After the initial excitement, I went online to do some "research" about the proper care of this plant (like I always do when I got a new plant). The result is a little discouraging.
Apparently, Fuchsia is known as a difficult plant to grow. It prefers the mild weather like the one they have in California, mild winter and cool summer. In Florida, the summer is just too hot for them. It was suggested that in the summer, we have to bring them inside the house or keep them in the shade, water them daily and mist the leaves to keep them cool throughout the day.
Sounds very high maintenance to me! Maybe that is a lesson I have to learn: stick to the zone appropriate plants!
For now, I will try my best to keep it happy. I will report back if I ever find a good way to grow it.
My fellow floridian gardeners, if you ever have any good experience/lesson about this plant, please share with me! I hate to see such a beauty die on me.
Ha ha! You're just like me. Buy a plant first and then figure out how to grow it or where you're going to plant it!
ReplyDeleteVery beautiful. Your blog made my eyes colorful! Enjoyed going through your blog. Iflorist.co.uk
ReplyDeleteI think you're right...fuchsias don't like our climate. (???) But I have grown them in pots a couple of times where they've given me many months of pleasure. I had some on my screened porch, but the ones on my open-air porch were awesome! I would just be sitting there quietly, and hummingbirds would swoop in to feed from them. Really amazing!
ReplyDeleteGrower Jim: Yes, that is me. Hardly can walk out a nursery store with empty hands :) Maybe also like most of other gardeners. lol
ReplyDeleteBeth: Thank you visiting my blog. I am still new to the blogger world. Learning blogging, photographing, and gardening at the same time :)
FloridaGirl: You made me feel a little better. I guess I still have the hope to enjoy it a little longer. Were you able to keep it through the summer? The flower is so gorgeous! I can picture you sitting there quietly to enjoy the flower together with the hummingbirds.
ReplyDeleteYou will probably get to enjoy your new plant for a few months until the humidity sets in. These cooler months it will thrive... so enjoy it... take lots of photos... it is beautiful.
Beautiful fuchsia and lovely photos on your blog. So nice to discover you and look forward to seeing more of your posts. Diana
ReplyDeletePerhaps it would like to come indoors this summer when the A/C is running. If not...enjoy it while it lasts and then compost it. I do that with tulips.
ReplyDeleteMeems and Susan: Thanks for the advice. I am sure I will enjoy it when it lasts...maybe I got lucky to keep it longer?? hehe...
ReplyDeleteDi: Thanks for visiting my blog. I just flipped over to your blog. Very impressive blog you have. I need to take more time to read through them.
HI AMI: Just replied to your comment on my blog. Then came over here to look around. Nice blog well done. Enjoyed my visit, will be back.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy Your Garden,
I'm with Meems and Susan.Just enjoy it while you can.I,also,buy one every year just because I like them.Gardens are to be enjoyed!
ReplyDeleteI have been eyeing for a Fuschia for years but very afraid to see them die like what you have mentioned.
ReplyDeleteBut again, later, I end up regretting for not trying them in my garden.
Funny isn't it?